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Re: Ranking update - Aggiornamento classifica

Subject: Re: Ranking update - Aggiornamento classifica
by Mladen777 on 2015/12/2 21:39:00

It is true, Lepeiro was 6th, I can't upload result, server says file type is not supported, but this is the copy of the file:
1 4188405 alejandro420er $i$s$f00ALE$ff0JAN$f00DRO$0f0
2 4191854 skyppyno $s$FD0SKYPPYNO $iI-Team$09F
3 4192513 frank74 $i$000FRA$cccNK 74$000$fd0I-team
4 4237107 tifone $m$0f0Si$fffmb$f00ad $f00Ichnusa$fffTeam
5 4246355 pmax $006Pmax$006 $000$33F $FC0KDteam
6 4256551 lepeiro $z$00fLepeiro-$n$f00WWW$ff0.VSKE.$f00COM
7 4268165 albervita $n$i$0f0alb$ffferv$f00ita $FF0vsk*rst $0f0m$FFFs$F00t
8 4286753 albatros albatros
9 4292703 donmasino $f00don$ff0masino VskRst
10 4304202 mladen $s$0cfMladen $w$040($ff6: $i$FF0KD $000Team
