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Facsimile Result Sending

Subject: Facsimile Result Sending
by Lupin on 2018/4/15 14:00:14

Post Subject : Match Number (Team X - Team Y )

Example : Match 07 ( Lupidimare - I-Team )

You will find the match number in results tables.

Content :

Flight Number : xy
Result : Team X 4 - Team Y 7
Notes : Note description if exists

the flight number is relative to that of the sequence of races to be played = first regatta to be played / played: 1, second regatta to be played / played: 2 and so on

Example :

Flight Number : 2
Result : Lupidimare 4 - I-Team 7
Notes :possible protest by I-Team


The posts relating to the results of the subsequent flights will be inserted as a "reply" to the first post in the same thread.
For a new match, use "new topic" option.