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Flight 2 #8. cam-lup protest Fix-Rar

Subject: Flight 2 #8. cam-lup protest Fix-Rar
by Camster on 2018/5/4 23:17:50

At 8 minutes in replay, Fix-RAR is to leeward of cam-lup. Both in downwind leg under spinnaker.
Fix-RAR luffs until cam-lup is at 96TWA and will broach unless spinnaker is let out.
Neither boat changes to genoa.

I think the relevant Call is G2 in the Match Race call book.

Rule 16.1 Changing Course
Definitions Room
Question 1
Blue is sailing to leeward of Yellow. Both boats have spinnakers set. Blue luffs
Yellow. What are the obligations on Blue and Yellow?
Answer 1
Yellow is required to keep clear and Blue is required to give Yellow room to
respond to her luff. While Yellow is able to keep the majority of her spinnaker
filled and drawing she is not entitled to additional room to drop her spinnaker.
If Blue continues her luff so that Yellow, in order to keep clear, has to luff
beyond the point where she can keep her spinnaker filled and drawing, then Blue
must give Yellow room to drop her spinnaker.
Whether or not Yellow drops her spinnaker at that time, she is still required to
keep clear. If she does not drop her spinnaker at that time, then Blue is not
required to give her additional room to drop the spinnaker later in that luff.

I think I was pushed to the point of being unable to have my spinnaker drawing without being given room to drop it because Fix-RAR continued to luff when that point had been reached.
