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Re: Flight 2 - Race4 - Fix vs Tiki - RRS 15 - Lupi vs RAR

Subject: Re: Flight 2 - Race4 - Fix vs Tiki - RRS 15 - Lupi vs RAR
by Camster on 2018/5/5 13:45:37

Hi Alex

I have two problems with this case - I am sorry.
The reason we asked to sail you on dates not including a weekend is that Tiki is away for the weekend so I am unsure if he can respond.

The rules say that mediation must be opened within 2 hours and this was not the case here, so I dont think this mediation is valid. (Times were 01:23 and 12:20).


The thread of mediation must be opened as soon as possible after transmitting the result of the race
(see rule SI 7) but not more than two hours after.