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id#13, mediation P10, UNT / Lupidimare

Subject: id#13, mediation P10, UNT / Lupidimare
by JieL-unt on 2018/5/8 0:03:10

The incident happened from t = 3'25''.
IMO rule 10 was indeed broken because :

1/ TIK was protected by 18.2(b) and entitled to mark-room;
2/ COL gave that mark-room. In consequence and from 18.2(d), the rule 18.2(b) ceased to apply.
3/ TIK gybed when COL was starboard and sailing her proper course to the next mark.

Lupidimare, I would like to have your opinion. Maybe we could resail this last race ?
Anyway, Well Sailed all !
CU soon,